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Q: Laws on any Form of Transportation [ Cars or Flights (Domestic or International) ]

Q: Laws on any Form of Transportation [ Cars or Flights (Domestic or International) ]

Author: Mock Webware |

  • It is illegal to consume any cannabinoid-containing product in/on motor vehicles except those being used as a form of residence ( e.g a Parked RV).
  • It is legal to transport cannabis in a motor vehicle within Canadian borders but it must be packaged and sealed off totally from the reaches of anyone present in the motor vehicle.
  • Within Canada, it is legal to travel with recreational cannabis as long as it was bought from a licensed Canadian retailer or grown in your own home in adherence to the guidelines and regulations. However, it is illegal to travel internationally with recreational cannabis.
  • Tourists visiting Canada can buy recreational cannabis but are not allowed to take it out the Canadian borders.
  • Individuals apprehended for smuggling cannabinoid-containing products (legal or illegal) can be prosecuted as it is regarded as a felony.



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