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Q: Difference between CBD and THC?

Q: Difference between CBD and THC?

Author: Mock Webware |

Although CBD and THC are both gotten from the cannabis plant, they differ in a number of ways. A summarised way to look at both is, the effects of THC can be felt while those of CBD can not be felt. It is essential to note however that, THC will intoxicate you while CBD will not. That is why most people prefer to use CBD over THC.

By binding to cannabinoid receptors in the brain, CBD can block the intoxicating effects of THC by inhibiting it from binding to it’s receptors. This creates a reduced psychoactive effect on the user and why cannabinoids mixed with both CBD and THC are great for first-time users.

This isn’t to say that CBD cannot cause some sort of effect on the user. Increased dosage of CBD can result in the user having an intense relaxed feeling. Like listening to soothing music, your brain would be clear and you may have a euphoric feeling.

Be sure to seek advice from a medical professional.



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